Private MRI Scan Services

Located in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.
Nanaimo MRI is a team of certified radiologists, technologists and medical office administrators.
Fully Accredited by The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.
Proudly serving Vancouver Island since 2003.


Get an MRI sooner rather than later, and find out what’s wrong.

Nanaimo MRI provides comprehensive MRI scanning services to Vancouver Island’s central and northern regions.  Avoid the cost and inconvenience of travelling to Victoria, Vancouver, or further for a private MRI scan.  Nanaimo MRI’s scanning services provide its clients and their physicians with the detailed information that may support earlier diagnosis, inform optimal treatment, expedite recovery, and provide for peace of  mind..

We use a standard clinical strength 1.5T GE MR System as used in hospital settings.

Consult your Physician to discuss what MRI study you require.


Nanaimo MRI Delivers
High Resolution MRI Scans

***Fully Accredited by The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia***

Nanaimo MRI’s team of certified radiologists, technologists and medical office administrators are focused on delivering the right diagnostic images that will enable accurate diagnosis for physical injuries or medical conditions. Working closely with regional Physicians, Nanaimo MRI delivers high resolution MRI scans, giving physicians all they need to prepare a course of action for your medical recovery.

Our Nanaimo location serves the MRI scan needs of patients from across Vancouver Island’s central and northern regions. This saves you the time and expense of traveling to Victoria, Vancouver or further for comparable service.

A patient entering an MRI machine

Booking your MRI scan requires a Physician referral. Conveniently download our Requisition Form. Once the requisition is completed & signed by your Physician, it can be faxed/mailed/emailed to, or dropped off at our office location.